Meet Dr. Nicole Teyechea (Tay-yeh-chay-uh), the visionary behind Finita. With over 25 years of diverse experience in the education sector, Dr. Teyechea has served in various capacities, from national consultant to university professor and district curriculum director. Her return to the classroom in 2019, amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, unveiled a profound understanding of the challenges faced by educators—especially those without formal certification or minimal experience.

Dr. Nicole Teyechea

Dr. Teyechea's commitment to improving support systems for teachers of Multilingual Learners led to the creation of Finita—a platform dedicated to equipping educators with evidence-based scaffolds and resources to navigate the complexities of teaching. Through Finita, Dr. Teyechea aims to empower educators and make a lasting impact on the field of education.